Buffalo Creek Winery
Open seasonally- always call ahead to check availability and scheduling. Buffalo Creek is a family owned and operated winery dedicated to producing quality wines from the highest quality fruit.
Open seasonally- always call ahead to check availability and scheduling. Buffalo Creek is a family owned and operated winery dedicated to producing quality wines from the highest quality fruit.
Phone: (660) 668-3511
Stop by the winery in beautiful downtown Cole Camp, sit in the gardens, or under the shelter, enjoy wines along with a snack tray, then take a stroll and discover the joys of a small town. Several gift shops and antique shops dot the area within walking distance.
Phone: (660) 343-5493
Located 14 miles South of Sedalia, Missouri in Pettis County at the intersection of State Routes V & M in the little town of Bahner. Kevin & Kristy Long invite you to visit Wildlife Ridge Winery & enjoy their vast array of delicious wines, straight from the vines of ripe Missouri grapes. These wines are bottled right here in Missouri & are ready for you to enjoy beside our 3.5 acre lake, or for you to take home & enjoy at your dinner party. Call us to plan your next party.
Phone: (660) 668-4577